Wednesday, September 6, 2017

I Hope

Yellow-rumped Warbler from Cape by Alan

You aren't getting tired of birds. I'm sure not!

I was just getting ready to take some laundry upstairs to hang it up when I glanced outside.

The yard was full of warblers. I have been seeing a few, but these were everywhere. Quickly saw the first two Wilson's of the year and a Magnolia, and then all these other ones that wouldn't hold still while I tried to ID them. A fat green one. A brown one with a cap...probably a Palm, but darting in and out among the dead vines on the barn too fast for me to follow. Probably another Blue-winged, but too far away to be sure. And lots that were just blurs behind leaves, too far, too fast, too dark out.....

It was like Cape May, only with more than one kind of warbler. I sure like this. Now if only I knew what the fat green one was....

American Redstart from earlier this year

from Northview Diary

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