Saturday, April 9, 2016

Song Sparrow

Deuce and a half of Red-tailed Hawks, quartet Turkey Vultures.

Brace 'o Blue Jays, pair of Bluebirds, Robins robbin' fruit-macs

One Red-winged Blackbird, nope, there's two,

No today's turkeys...that snow is all gone
A six pack of Turkeys and a dozen or so crows.

One big gull, way up eagle-high. Was it a Great Black Backed? Maybe

Or not.

A dozen dozen Goldfinches, a couple of Pine Siskins.


Downy know whats.

White-breasted Nuthatch

Carolina Wren

House Sparrows, Grackles, Starlings, Mourning Doves, Kestrel for a year bird, Song Sparrows, Tree Sparrows, White-throated Sparrows, Juncos, and a big fat woodchuck hustling for his burrow.

Bunny, bunny, four fat deer.

'Yote tracks, deer tracks, turkey tracks and mine.

Spring has come to the 30-Acre Lot and by golly so have I.

And though the lilacs appear to be toast and the daffadowndillies are nothing but compost, Pseudacris Crucifer has made it through.....

*** I have to look that name up every single time. Why did they change it from Hyla Crucifer, which I could never forget? Same reason they took Richmondena away from the cardinal I guess, and gave him two last names. 

If you turn up your sound and play the video below you can get an idea of the number of American Goldfinches living here this year. This isn't even all of them as there were many down by the barn and by the house. 

from Northview Diary

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