Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Observation tower at Montezuma.
And here I was hoping for a good thunderstorm so I could climb up and bird.

The Farm Side is done....this week it's about the farm bashing billboard/EPA funding controversy and 3-D food printing. Had fun researching the food part.....

It is raining, pretty hard....I guess we need it, as even the lettuce hasn't germinated yet.... I was about ready to start watering it. On the other hand, Liz sold some plants I started, over at the livestock swap, for good money. I wanted to get out and pot some more up today, but I guess that will have to wait. She got fifteen bucks apiece for jade plants and people didn't even quibble! I have jade starts all over the place. Heck they fall off and try to root themselves in the living room carpet.

I also have volunteer Egyptian Walking Onions and Garlic Chives all over the yard. Actually need to redo a whole flower bed that has been taken over by the chives......I am thinking I may just work on the sitting porch.....

But then again, it's only 38 degrees out there, and we have the heat going full blast. Maybe it would be a good day to catch up on book work. 

Yesterday we lost the boss. 

For a while anyhow. He took Becky to work and never came back, which would have been fine, except that he had Alan's coat in the car with him...they went racing the other night....and Alan's wallet was in his coat.

He had to be in DC at 6 PM to start working the night shift. He looked everywhere for his dad. We called everyone we could think of. We posted on Facebook for folks to be on the lookout. No Ralph. And then I took the Mackster out and looked across to the cow barnyard to see the car and a truck right over there....he was over there  looking at some work we need done. We are going to get him a cell phone this weekend!

Going through the photos from Saturday I added American Wigeon to the list. Got to get that gull ID'd now. Anyhow, stay dry and enjoy all that bright green grass. A farmer friend from northern NY shared a photo from his tractor of his family doing field work....in snow.....

from Northview Diary http://ift.tt/1WnN8Bb

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