Friday, March 11, 2016

I Wonder Where the Chipmunk Sleeps

Not the ones outdoors They sleep in the hay bales along the foundation, resting up so they can steal sunflower seeds off the bird feeders.

No, I mean the house chipmunk. I was sitting here at the computer early this afternoon, after a morning of general aggravation. Suddenly Daisy hopped up from where she was sleeping by my feet and darted into the dining room. 

I caught just a glimpse of her target.

Something small and dark and scuttle-y.

My first thought was rat. Or mouse. Or something else from the order rodential (class mammalia wouldn't you know.)

It ran into the living room and under the dozens of giant plants I keep there. Daisy was hot on its heels. We moved this and shifted that and cleaned up other clutter, but could only catch tiny glimpses of it. Just enough to know that Tamias Striatus had come to call.

Better than a rat anyhow.

Daisy finally got tired and lost interest. Soon Ralph saw it in the dining room. Good choice. Couple hundred pounds of dog and cat food there. Sunflower seeds. Peanuts. Cracked corn and millet. Yeah, practically perfect.

Daisy is a stinker. It was RIGHT THERE, but when she was done she was done.

We called in Mack. Jack Russell terrier. Born and bred to chase rodents right?

No go; he found and ate two stale potato chips by my chair, ran off with a fair ribbon someone was using as a bookmark, and then widdled on the rug from excitement. What a dog.

And so....I wonder where it is right now....where is it sleeping, waiting to make my life miserable on the morrow when we will need to hunt it down? I wish I knew. I wish it knew that it is supposed to live in deciduous woodlands and not our house. I used to like chipmunks. 

from Northview Diary

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