Thursday, March 17, 2016

Playing Favorites

In no particular order, these are my four favorite songs..... This is subject to change, although I am fairly loyal. The top one has been on the list since we were still milking cows, as has the bottom one. 

Boolavogue, by the High Kings

The Island, by Skippinish. Peggy loves this one too and asks to sit on my lap and have me play it almost every day. 

Sounds of Silence, by Disturbed. Unlikely I know, but I seem to have to listen to it at least once a day.

And Spring Dance, by our good friend Robert Dennis. I don't have a link for you, but it is about the happiest song I know...cheers me up every time I hear it.

What are your favorites? Seriously, I would really like to know. Could be I will find a new favorite. Thanks

And this one is just a little bonus, because I am so fond of all of you. 

from Northview Diary

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