Friday, March 18, 2016

3 Tips in Caring for Jewelry

Jewelry is a precious possession that is designed and crafted to last generations, but proper care is required to assure the lasting qualities of your jewelry. In this short post will cover 3 tips in caring for your jewelry.

jewelry care

Wearing Jewelry
Jewelry is worn by millions of people every day, but few recognize how they can preserve their treasures by using some simple advanced planning and thought. Here are some basic guidelines to consider when wearing jewelry:

* Remove Jewelry During Tasks – When performing manual tasks, remove your jewelry to prevent physical damage or exposure to chemicals or cleaning fluids.

* Put Jewelry On After Applying Makeup – Cosmetics, hairspray, perfumes and lotion can contain chemicals that can often damage jewelry.

* Don't Wear Jewelry in Swimming Pools and Spas – Chlorinated water can react with the metals found in jewelry causing color changes and even structural damage

* Contact Sports and Jewelry Don't Mix– Hard blows during sports can damage jewelry not to mention the people involved. Source: Zales

Cleaning Jewelry

* Follow the instructions appearing on the label or box.

* Clean in a secure location, not the rim of a sink where a piece may slip down the drain.

* Use only a soft brush, never sharp or hard objects, to remove dirt or particles.

* Clean your jewelry often; lotions, soaps and skin oils alter the optical properties of diamonds and gemstones, causing them to look dull.

* Seriously soiled jewelry should be cleaned professionally.

* Clean diamond jewelry with a soft brush dipped in warm water and mild detergent; rinse under running water.

* Never expose pearl jewelry to chemicals or solvents and store each piece in a soft bag.

* Don't expose colored gemstones to chemicals, solvents or ultrasonic without knowing their specific cleaning requirements. Source: Igiworldwide

Storing Jewelry
Proper jewelry storage is often overlooked. Jewelry should never be tossed into a drawer or on top of a dresser − that’s asking for scratches and damaged gems. Most jewelry pieces come in a box or pouch from the store, which is a perfect place to keep them. Sterling silver, for example, should be kept in an anti-tarnish bag or cloth. Jewelry boxes that feature individually padded slots for rings and posts for hanging necklaces and bracelets are also ideal.
Pearls and opals draw moisture from the air, so storing your opal or pearl jewelry in a dry area, such as a safe deposit box, can sometimes do more harm than good. When traveling, protect your jewelry pieces from scratches or other impact damage by padding it in a separate box or case. Source: Gia


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