Friday, February 22, 2019

There's Always a Story

Whenever we can we shop for the folks. Saves them going out and getting stuff to the car and from the car and fighting icy parking lots and all that stuff.

Today was one of those days.

A Friday.

I think it was also some kind of special payday because the store was crammed with people, most of whom missed out on Manners 101.

By the time we got to the checkout I was grumpy.

 I admit that grumpy is my default setting and it doesn't take much to return me to that spot, but let's just call it extra grumpy.

There were only five clerks running checkouts; self-checkout was clogged with a dozen carts, so we picked a line and waited.

And waited.

And waited. 

The boss hurt his hip and it was about killing him. He is not a lean-on-the-cart kind of guy normally but today he kinda had to. 

I enjoy the casual, and perhaps ill-mannered, habit of sneaking a peek into other people's shopping carts while shopping, especially after twenty minutes in line. 

Speaking of stories....carts tell them you know.

The lady in front of us had a number of huge bags of pet food, tons of cleaning supplies, and several small blankets.

And dog toys.

I speculated to myself....I'll bet those are for a shelter. How nice....

Finally her turn came to check out. She was obviously a pro at getting multiple large items scanned and quickly and as she flopped bags and flipped bottles, I overheard her speak to the checker.

Seems her father had passed away several years ago. Today would have been his birthday. Since she couldn't buy him a gift any more, she and her three cute youngsters hit the mall and bought a big pile of things for the shelter dogs and cats.

I congratulated her on such a selfless and wonderful act and she said...."oh, don't make me cry."

I gotta tell you, she wasn't the only one with tears in her eyes.

See there's always a story, even in a humble shopping cart in a crowded Friday noon mall.

from Northview Diary

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