Saturday, February 2, 2019

The Things you See

Been the kind of sick this week wherein rest was required between donning sock one and doing the same for sock two. Sometimes a fairly long rest.

Since Peggy was sick for at least ten days, missed over a week of school and is still coughing terribly, and Liz ditto except for the school part, I am not expecting a full recovery any time soon.

At least I am well enough to get out of the house a little and even to want to....but I am not yet eager for much of anything but morning coffee. And only one cup of that.

Btw, speak not to me of flu shots. The whole Schultz clan had them and were if anything sicker than the rest of us. So this is either not flu, although with the fevers and gripping pains it feels like it....or it is not the flu covered by the jab.

Oh, well. The boss hauled me out a few times this week...and please pray that he doesn't get it...he already took a nasty tumble, head first down a bank while putting wood in the stove...he doesn't need this darned bug.

And we had a lot better week than some folks not far from us, who lost a large cow barn night before last. We bought bulls from these good folks and knew them from farm events and the like for years and years. I feel terrible for them.

from Northview Diary

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