Monday, February 18, 2019

5 Remedies I Use to Help Soothe My Irritated Skin

No matter the time of year, there’s always a point in each season when my skin decides to cause me issues. While these skin issues can vary, I find the most common issues to be:

  • dryness
  • acne
  • redness

As for the why, sometimes it’s down to a sudden change in weather, while other times the change is a result of stress from a looming work deadline or just getting off a long-haul flight.

Regardless of the reason though, I always try to apply the most natural and holistic remedies possible to help soothe my irritated skin.

If you find yourself in a similar situation and want to know how I get my skin back to looking stellar, you can find my tried and tested top five tips, below.

Water, water, and more water

My first go-to is making sure I’m drinking enough water. I find it helps with just about anything and everything when my skin is acting up, though this is especially the case when the issue is specifically dryness or acne.

Water helps to hydrate the skin and helps to prevent dehydration lines that can crop up on the face, which look a bit like wrinkles.

While it varies from person to person, I try to get at least 3 liters of water daily, though even more if my skin is looking a little rough.
Check out the article I wrote for Healthline HERE to get the inside scoop on my top 5 remedies I use to soothe irritated skin, so you can add to your regimen today!

The post 5 Remedies I Use to Help Soothe My Irritated Skin appeared first on Living Pretty, Naturally.

from Living Pretty, Naturally

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