Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Research Redux

Evening sky just as it was at Schoharie Crossing the other day

Does it seem as if I am repeating myself a lot lately.....?

First, best news, I was rejected as a juror before I made it five feet into the collecting To say that that made my day....nay, my entire not saying too much.

We celebrated with a little birding, although new species seem to be pretty thin these days. Lots of Canada Geese though. Lots and lots.

The Farm Side is finally done and sent, so here are a few research links I thought you might enjoy.

Wanna buy a duck

The Duck Guy

Prez at AFBF convention

Wanna buy a duck to support Fonda-Fultonville School FFS? Yeah, go ahead. you know you want a duckie! Personally I want to know how to buy one of the retired ducks. Rubber duckies have always been favorites of mine, and after this event even more so.

Now to play catch-up with the other stuff I need to do.

Another evening, this time the "Noses" also unedited

from Northview Diary

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