Monday, January 14, 2019

Dread Redux

Not-an-owl An extra dark Rough-legged Hawk masquerading as somebody exciting

So today's the day. Off to the chilly courthouse to be herded around and told what to do. Ugh. Up early to get an eBird list done before the day begins too. I haven't missed submitting at least one list for 743 days and I don't want to let this stop me. The first Northern Cardinal will show up on the little round tray feeder just before dawn and the winter sparrows won't be far behind him....

What a morning though... I thought I might have heard a Great Horned Owl while still abed so I didn't turn the yard light on while walking doggos. The stars... Oh, the many glittering cold-hearted beautiful stars.... Imagine how they look up in the Adirondacks far from all the light pollution of the towns and villages.

Red-tailed Hawk, fluffed against the cold

Venus for the second morning in a row is brighter than the lights of the village across the river, like a big hole in the darkness letting the light shine through. The air is as still and silent as the inside of the fridge before you open the door.....only colder....

No owl though. Still, I am 90 some odd percent sure that the two hoots I heard were a GHOW so I will be watching and listening. Tis the season for love and joy among the big predatory birds. We have the above sort on the farm and have as long as I've been here. Doesn't mean we often see them though. Maybe another morning.

Look! A Moose! Or at least a moose shadow

from Northview Diary

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