I can't remember the last time I was able to get out on the land so early in the year.
There were plenty of open winters back in the '70s. A good friend and I went trail riding on our horses almost every weekend. I was even able to take a New Year's Day ride several years and pick Johnny Jump Ups too.
However most winters since then have been much colder and more confining.
Our hills are so steep that if ice and snow aren't an issue then mud is. However this morning's 12 degrees gave the mud a bit of backbone, and although there was ice it was easy to step over it or pick my way across on stones and grass. In the down vest department I was overheated, while on the facial front it was more like frozen.
Not many birds around, although a Common Raven came croaking and creaking right over the barnyard. Then he spotted me and took his leaving, swiftly north on cantilevered wings and gone. There were Eastern Bluebirds calling, "Queedle, Queedle" from both sides of the farm and down in front as well.
Halfway up the hill the camera battery went dead. Dagnabbit. I meant to put one in my pocket before going out, but the dog needed to be walked urgently and I forgot. If there is no photo it didn't happen right?
But, aha! The cell phone where bird lists are created has a camera. It isn't exactly the sweet little Canon, but desperate times and all....
Thus I can share at least a little of the sheer relief of getting out and going up....out on the land....up on the hills....
I only made it to the 30-acre Lot, but it was good. Very good.
And btw, Jade is home. He has a long recovery and more surgery ahead of him, but he is home with his family at least.
from Northview Diary http://bit.ly/2sefaGn
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