Saturday, January 13, 2018

TB Ward

This place sounds like one. Every single one of the six of us is still coughing and hacking and sneezing and wheezing. We assume that eventually we will all get over it and things will look better. 

Meanwhile I will leave you with a young Amish fellow we saw racing his horses around and around his barnyard. 

No idea whether he was taking a little spin off them before getting out to work, or just having a good time. There was a second pair with some other folks watching as he went dashing through the snow in a two-horse open bob sleigh. They looked pretty awed, as were we.

I much admire his ability to balance, while standing up on a flipping and flying wagon like that....and to steer around all the stuff in that yard while not hitting any of it.

from Northview Diary

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