Saturday, January 20, 2018

In the Technicolor Twilight

We went out late yesterday afternoon in pursuit of whatever might be around, from Snow Buntings to new ducks for the year.

While traversing snowy winter back roads we received a call about that Snowy Owl we got to see late last year.

We headed off, but didn't find it, alas.

However, we saw scenes that defy description. Not these in the photos...these were earlier.

No, up around Fort Plain, where the hills are high and the hedgerows sparse, there are miles and miles of open snow-covered cropland. The horizon ranged from brilliant pink and blue and orange to magenta as red as the blood of the sun. It was beyond my expertise to get any photos of it......but it was stunning and wonderful.

Maybe we will see the owl this year. Maybe we won't.

But, oh, what skies this cold shoulder of a January has to offer.

from Northview Diary

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