Thursday, January 18, 2018

Open Water

Just before breakup

I love that the river is open again. It is still too high and too fast for the shallows in front of McDonald's to be active, but the other places....down by the boat launch, the compost place, the river by the state barn.... are all getting busier every day.

Yesterday, in far from friendly weather, we found a single Ring-necked Duck, a Common Goldeneye diving among a mess of Mallards, and a Common Loon. It was pretty exciting, and as an added benefit, the Goldeneye fairly glowed in bright, white and black breeding plumage. What a gorgeous bird!

It is not such a great time of year for cold-blooded outdoor lovers, but it sure is fun going out treasure hunting like we do.

Now if this cold/flu/grippe/disease/plague would just go away. Peggy and Jade seem to be over it...the rest of us, not so much.

from Northview Diary

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