Monday, December 4, 2017

Ice Fog

Walked out on the hill this morning and didn't see a single bird the whole way up and all the way down. I did HEAR a bunch and that counts too, but it was downright foggy out there. At least the mud was frozen so it wasn't so slippery as it has been.

I sang out several times as I walked along on the frozen leaves, "I'm not a deer, I'm not a deer"....I hoped that would deter anyone hunting on us from taking a sound shot and finishing me off....not that I have seen any tracks that I couldn't account for in the past couple of weeks. And I do wear bright orange, but you can't HEAR orange, unless of course you are ingesting illegal substances, which I suppose some of the less responsible among the deer hunters may indeed do.

Anyhow, it was pretty, if not so very birdy out there.

from Northview Diary

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