Friday, December 8, 2017

Dizzying Dazzling

Out on the hill
You have days like that. Out in the snow yesterday morning, then we went to our usual haunts. Found no less than four Golden-crowned Kinglets, a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, a Grey Catbird, and a whole bunch of other cool birds. 

A view from the hill

Then when we were just getting ready to go out for the evening chore rounds one of our dear friends called having found a Snowy Owl right in our county. We raced up to see it and were just able to do so before it became too dark. Downright thrilling.

A few other things fell together to make for a pretty nice day. This morning it is cold and bright and quite inviting, but I am staying in off the hill because we have a lot to do today.....

from Northview Diary

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