Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Hot Pursuit

Maybe it's the full moon

We have had many adventures while birding the county this year. We have been accosted by vicious dogs and scary people.

The boss has locked the keys in the car several long, cold miles from home, when everyone who has a driver's license was very far away. The girls and Jade choreographed our rescue but it it was a miserable moment in time.

Now we are getting scoped out by the DEC when we walk the bike trails at our favorite spots. It is amusing but understandable. We dress in bright colors during hunting season. The fact that you aren't supposed to hunt in the places we visit does not stop everybody and we like living.

The other day a state patrol truck drove by at least four times where the bike path parallels the road for a bit, peering through the brush at us. Eventually he must have seen binoculars rather than rifles because he went on his way.....but I guess we must look more like hunters than birders.

Can't wait until I can go back to dark and dreary, drab and dismal, brown, grey, and green, birding clothes. The little birdies can see bright orange as well as the rangers and react accordingly.

Common Mergansers and Mallard Ducks

from Northview Diary http://ift.tt/2nuMEAH

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