Thursday, May 25, 2017

Too Late for Photos

Sunny Destin, Florida, a place we really, really liked

Bought some grapefruit in sunny Florida when Alan took us down the last week in December. We ate a bunch of much tastier than the kind in stores up here...and then I FORGOT THEM!!!

They languished in the crisper drawer until this morning, when I realized that I should probably throw them away. I hauled them out to the compost but then decided to cut one in half for the Catbirds.

It was perfect! Juicy, fragrant, and lovely. The Catbirds think so too.

So I hauled the nicest ones back in and am eating one with fresh May strawberries. Awesomeness in a bowl, I gotta tell you. Two seasons and two states combined to make a breakfast surprise that is certainly going to be duplicated on the morrow.

How about that? Who knew?

The combination is so delicious that it is too late for photos.

Sun dappled NY. We like it here least this time of year

from Northview Diary

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