Sunday, May 28, 2017

Mason Lake

We tried Pecks for a boat rental and fishing trip, but there was no one at the marina, so we headed North.

Open freshwater mussels like this were scattered everywhere. Raccoons been busy maybe...

There we discovered a road, heretofore unmarked, which took us to a little kayak and canoe launch on Mason Lake, which is a really nice little gem south of Indian Lake.

12 little Mallards swimming in a row

The kids fished for a while, while I hunted for birds, as I had forgotten my fishing license (it is now in my camera case). They hooked some bullheads, which promptly dragged their lines under rocks, and saw a nice Small Mouth Bass as well.

The birds were enthusiastic, and included the first Veery of the year, Ovenbirds, and Red-eyed Vireos.

Alas, the blackflies were even more eager at their work and Alan wanted to barbecue, so we came on home fairly early. Fun trip though. I have always liked that little lake and it is even better to actually be able to access the shoreline and adjacent woods.

There was even a Ruby-throated Hummingbird enjoying an apple tree plumb laden with bloom
And with bumblebees, as it is finally warm enough for them to be out pollinating.

from Northview Diary

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