Thursday, May 4, 2017

Birding the Gale

Flying flower, a friendly little Yellow Warbler

It is hard to discipline myself to go birding every single day, but so far I haven't missed a day this year. Fingers crossed for no injuries or illnesses to stop my quest...

Yesterday the wind was howling, wet, wild, and downright cold. I did a quickie count at the feeders (not too shabby these days with Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Northern Cardinals, Baltimore Orioles and the usual plethora of American Goldfinches showing up all at once) and then called it good until mid-afternoon.

Then I sternly told myself 'If a day like this happened in March you would revel in it and run outdoors and play.'

So I did. And I was glad. Our woods were full of warblers, just common ones like Yellow and Yellow-rumped, but they are like flying flowers, so pretty and busy.

Then the apple orchard offered up a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, the first I have ever seen. We later got brave and birded our other two county hot spots and got a first of the season Eastern lots of others.

Turned out that even in the howling wind going outdoors is fun. 92 species found so far in our county and 67 on the farm. I need to work on the farm list. I think I am missing some that I actually did see.....

Northern Rough-winged Swallow posing for his shadow

from Northview Diary

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