Saturday, December 30, 2017

This Song

Because Yankee Hill Lock isn't supposed to look like this

Because it fits perfectly.

Especially the lyrics....."Canadian cold front movin' in....."

And staying, and staying, and staying and staying.....

from Northview Diary


We showed bulls at the fair

Walebe Jewelmaker, by SWD Valiant, out of Wiilsondale Citation Jewel
Showed ponies in halter and harness....this is Major Moves
In a calf halter
Had to learn to put the harness on first....looking perplexed here

With Deranged Richard
And sometimes painted horses for friends

from Northview Diary

Friday, December 29, 2017

A Christmas Bird

Common Yellowthroat

Warblers make for tough IDs. They change plumage from bright to dull between spring and fall...or at least some of them do. Males are often glowing rock stars while females are drab as dirt. They hybridize sometimes, in the shadowy alleys behind the trees and bushes. Their kids are odd. Really, they are worse than Indigo Buntings for sporting a dozen different looks over the course of the year.

Even experts argue over them often.

Thus this fall, during migration, when our yards and fields were graced with gazillions of them, I struggled.

And struggled. I saw life birds, almost daily, as I learned to recognize Blue-winged from Tennessee and sorted the myriad Common Yellowthroats in all their variations from everybody else that looked just the same...only different.

One day, out in the foggy morning, I saw a Connecticut Warbler. Well, actually I saw two, but more about that later. My bird was almost like a Mourning Warbler, only different. And almost like a Common Yellowthroat, only different. Saw it, couldn't photograph it, shared it on an eBird list.....

And then deleted it. The bird was right. Greyish head. Yellowish belly. Bright eye ring. However, similar birds were causing excitement among better birders down in the  Big Apple and all.

Who was I to think that I saw such a bird right in the bushes next to the driveway?

And then there was the green warbler in the heifer barnyard. It sat there, back turned towards me, fat, happy, and the prettiest off-green you could imagine. I got the binoculars on it for mere seconds, but there was no mistaking that it was something different...and cool....Never figured out just what it was though.

Fast forward to Christmas. Besides Herkimer Diamonds and tools, foodstuffs (they know me, don't they?) and my amazing lamp, people gave me birding things. Suet blocks, fancy seed concoctions, all sorts of goodies......I am smiling even now, just thinking of them.

And The Warbler Guide. I wanted that book so badly and it made me really happy to find it under the tree so to speak. I put it next to my chair and every night I read a few birds. Peer at plumage. Stare at stories, songs, and photos.

Fat, green, and visiting our barnyard last fall

The other night there it was...the green bird in all its glory, just like the one we had in the barnyard, plump, pretty, and a Connecticut Warbler, all day long.

I know I'm gonna love this book.....

Now, if only these pests would migrate south and leave the birdseed for the northern birds

from Northview Diary

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Back to the Grind

The road not traveled

700 words written of 1000 that are due tomorrow, all about what's going on in farm politicking. From the president speaking to AFBF next month, to NYFB's Circle of Friends, to the new Farm Bill website put up by the House Ag Committee, it's all fodder for me and Google Docs. I need one more short topic. Or maybe two if they are really short.

Wood is going through the stove like salts through a goose as they say, bird seed vanishing ditto. Looks as if we are in for some chilly weather the next week or so. Dunno what it is with Upstate NY, but we are often colder than southern Alaska.

If you were wondering where all the birds were during the long, warm, calm autumn, wonder no more. They are on or around our feeders from before I put them out in the morning until after I bring them in at dark. If you go out before dawn you will literally almost step on Mourning Doves and Dark-eyed Juncos waiting for the seed.

And then, while I was working on my writing chores, the bank called. Someone in Florida has been using the boss's debit card.....wonder if this story had anything to do with it.....

from Northview Diary

Monday, December 25, 2017

Just Because

When you share Christmas with someone who is only 3 there must be photos and videos

from Northview Diary

Merry Christmas

from Northview Diary

Saturday, December 23, 2017

You Won't Believe It

This beautiful lamp is made entirely from recycled glass except for the light mechanism. Amazing huh? Made by Amber and her mama.....thanks!

from Northview Diary

Friday, December 22, 2017

Our Favorite Coffee Wishes For Santa

The mood is right, the spirit’s up, we’re here tonight, and that’s enough. Well, almost enough. Tis the season to yearn for things one doesn’t have in the hopes that a red-suited fellow will magically bring said thing by way of chimney. We asked readers to send us their most personal Christmas wishes directly to Santa Claus (indirectly, through us).

Here are some of our very favorite coffee-flavored Saint Nick requests.

“A little happiness, a little joy, and a whole lot of coffee.” – Sandy

“Kopi Luwak or Monsoon Malabar roasted by Onyx Coffee Lab brewed by Matt Perger.” – Joel

“I miss Portland and this Christmas I would like Richmond, VA to have 1-2 coffee shops that makes perfect espresso and roasts great coffee and puts a smile on my face every day.” – Kevin [Ed. Note: There are more than two! Visit our Richmond archives. Ho ho ho!]

“I would really really really like a graphic mug subscription from Flat White Ceramics for Christmas. Pretty please.” – Jordan

“Hit me with some love for 2018. Looking to get that hubby.” – Gabriel

“Breeeewwww… bay-beeeey!” – Normanito

“To cast “All I Want For Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey into a portal saving humanity as we know it.” – Sammich

“For Madcap to hire me already, like for real.” – Name Withheld [Ed. Note: There are plenty of wonderful coffee employment opportunities out there listed here on Sprudge Jobs]

“What’s the secret to that super duper secret sweet coffee drink you make when you pull those all-nighters? I might be needing some of that soon…” – Mflkd

“Can you get rid of all the jerks on Twitter? That’d be great.” – Rosie

“Santa, I know you’re busy right now, but if you could, please send a little love to my friends at Dune Coffee and everyone affected by the Thomas Fire. Thanks!” – Kara

“All I want for Christmas is a properly brewed cup of coffee.” – Bobby

“For Christmas, all I want is a gooseneck kettle. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy but whatever I get I will cherish forever!” – Luna

“All I want for Christmas is a coffee weighing scale so I can get consistent coffee and not brew coffee based on guesswork and get different tasting coffee each time.” – Arwin

Thanks to all who wrote to Santa this year. Remember, Santa is coming for us.

The post Our Favorite Coffee Wishes For Santa appeared first on Sprudge.

from Sprudge

Kickstarter: Give Your Coffee Some Clarity Zip With Melodrip

I love Kickstarter because it’s full of coffee gear that I didn’t know I needed but most certainly do. A modern version of a percolator, that new Fellow Stagg kettle (even though my other kettle with pretty much all the same features works just fine), a hand grinder that’s also a flashlight—I need them. All of them.

And lo, I have returned to that eternal wellspring of coffee ideas and found my next must-have: the Melodrip.

Essentially a dispersion screen on a stick, the Melodrip is promoted as a tool to bring more clarity to pour-over coffee, no matter the flow rate of your kettle. By pouring water directly from the kettle onto the dispersion screen—which then trickles evenly over the coffee bed—the Melodrip is said to drastically reduce and control the amount of agitation introduced during pouring. This, the Kickstarter claims, leads to fewer insoluble particles (also known as fines) in the cup, making for a cleaner tasting coffee.

To prove this, the team behind Melodrip made two different pour-overs using a Kalita Wave—one with the Melodrip and one without—and put into a centrifuge. After a few minutes spinning at 4,000rpm, the amount of insoluble particles that had collected at the bottom of the vials of regular brew were noticeably higher than those containing the Melodripped version.

With 25 days left to go, Melodrip has reached a little over $9,800 of its $10,000 goal. Current rewards include a complete Melodrip setup for as low as $35, $10 off the MSRP. Expected delivery date is April of 2018. For more information on the Melodrip or a full list of reward options, visit their Kickstarter page.

Zac Cadwalader is the news editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.

*top image via Melodrip

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from Sprudge

Natural and Clean Holiday Makeup – Snow Queen

It's the most wonderful time of the year! And with that comes darker shades in the makeup palette, and for some of us, fairer skin tones. I know a lot of beauties try to ward off the fairer skin during the winter months, but I love to embrace it - even play  it up. So here is my winter Snow Queen natural and clean holiday makeup picks.

Natural Holiday Makeup Picks

For this look natural and clean holiday makeup look, I muted down the eye makeup - no eye shadow and instead went for bold lashes and brows, then pumped up the lip with red. Instead of bronzer on the highlight points, I used it as a contour under the cheekbones and kept the foundation fair.

Natural NonToxic Lipstick - ILIA Wild Child

The most obvious pick in this look is the red lips. This one is by ILIA and called Wild Child. I love this high impact red - it's bold and playful.

Shop ILIA here at The Detox Market. 

Natural Foundation: AnnMarie Skincare Minerals in Pearl

I have been a long time lover of this foundation - you essentially create you own liquid foundation that is super natural and buildable. I love combining the minerals with a facial oil, sunscreen or facial cream to make the perfect texture. Since it is winter and skin is dry, I combined a skin balm (hard facial oil) and the mineral foundation to ensure the skin didn't look dry.

Shop Annmarie Minerals here

Concealer: Elate Clean Cosmetics Creme Revealer in Porcelain

Making sure my jet lag eye bags stayed at bay for this post, was the tiny little superpower Elate Clean Cosmetic's Creme Revealer. This also helped to cover a few spots I've picked up on the long-haul flights over to Vancouver this holiday season.

Shop Elate Clean Cosmetics Concealer here.

Brows: Plume Science Nourish & Define Pomade in Golden Silk

Another love of mine is Plume Science's define brow pomade. It is so easy to make a bold brow, but also keep it very natural. I've written a whole post on them here.

Shop Plume Science Here

Bronzer: Elate Clean Cosmetics Bronzer in Sunkiss

Sunkiss is the lighter of Elate Clean Cosmetics' two bronzers. Normally I would wear this on my highlight points for a sun-kissed look, but for this look, I used it as a contour. I placed the product under my cheekbones and high on the forehead. I love that the pigment looks natural - and the ingredients, I am loving. The bronzer is made with natural mineral pigments, fruit and vegetable extracts, and pressed with organic jojoba oil - love!! Also - notice packaging, pretty much waste-free! All the containers are refillable and made with bamboo!

Shop Elate Bronzer here. 

Natural Mascara: INIKA Mineral Vegan Mascara

One of the few natural mascaras that I've found which you can build - and create that high impact dramatic lash. It's mineral and vegan, and non-toxic.  This has been one of my favourite mascaras as of late, and you can now shop in the US/Canada!

Shop US/Canada here.

Shop Pureskin in Norway here. 

Natural Eyeliner: W3LL People Hypnotist in Brown

I wanted a soft look for the lined eyes, so I chose a velvety pencil that could be blended with my angled brush, so that it's slightly smokey just on the lash line. The brown is a bit softer, but for a more dramatic look you may wish to use black.

Shop at the Detox Market. 

Well my loves, I hope you have a lovely holiday season! Enjoy these natural and clean holiday makeup finds for your next holiday party!




The post Natural and Clean Holiday Makeup – Snow Queen appeared first on Living Pretty, Naturally.

from Living Pretty, Naturally

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Gifts from my Father

A close look inside the one Becky chose. Do click for added detail

We took a little Christmas to Mom and Dad yesterday, fruits, nuts, a few cookies and candy canes......

While we were there I was admiring some Herkimer Diamonds Dad had in a container on the table.

He offered me and Becky the chance to choose a few and it was impossible to resist. I do love rocks, stones, minerals, and particularly lovely shiny crystals like these. Guess it's the magpie in me.

I have wonderful memories of collecting these with Mom and Dad, of chaperoning school trips to do the same, and digging with my younger brother too. Finding them is at least half the fun. Thanks, Dad!

from Northview Diary

Mahogany at Mill Lake

Mahogany at Mill Lake is a new condo development By Quantum Properties
currently under construction at 2180 Gladwin Road, Abbotsford. The development is scheduled for completion in 2018. Mahogany at Mill Lake has a total of 152 units.

The post Mahogany at Mill Lake appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.

from Buildings – Vancouver New Condos

Send Santa Your Coffee Wishes

Christmas is only a few short days away. It’s not too late to ask Santa for your coffee gift wishes. Due to our glowing respect for Santa Claus, we have a direct line with the North Pole. If you’d like to send Santa your coffee Christmas wishes, send them here. We’ll make sure they reach Old Saint Nick before setting off on their gift-giving expedition.

We’ll publish our favorites on Friday.

The post Send Santa Your Coffee Wishes appeared first on Sprudge.

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