Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Guest Tirade

Mad blogger with the older camera

So I'm using Becky's computer, which is really Alan's computer, but he lets her use it, because mine seems to have fan issues......thus no new pictures.

Fan problems were, alas, not solved with canned air. Hopefully a certain nephew will be able to repair that situation. I could get a new computer I suppose, but I am a great fan of Windows 7 and really, really, really don't want to change.

Plus, you know how you get everything all trimmed up and ready to sail after you run a computer for a while....yeah....that's how it is.

Now for a rant. Alan bought me a new camera from Best Buy. A bigger bells and whistles critter, which we can't wait to point at birdies. 

Alas they ship with the brown truck people, who do not do well delivering to us. Every single package we get has to be chased down either at their warehouse or wherever they decide to dump it.

This time I got a notice that it was delivered....yesterday.....but no camera. Called the brown truck guys. The not very helpful lady there said it was delivered to the stump at the bottom of the driveway.

So, you mean to tell me that an expensive electronic device sat outside all night? Unguarded? A tenth of a mile from the house and out of sight?

Color me delighted.

Then the boss went to look for it and found it was at the bottom of the BARN driveway! Yeah, the driveway is overgrown with brush, way down the road from the house with no buildings in sight. Farther away even than I thought. This was no mistake. This was deliberate and perhaps a reaction to our political signs, some of which have been stolen btw.

The box is damp, although the camera seems maybe dry....hard to tell, it's so darned cold.

I will be contacting Best Buy later when there are live people to talk to. The brown truck lady said that her company was not in any way responsible for leaving our package at the wrong address on a stump.

Meanwhile, both the US Postal Service and FedEx deliver our packages and mail with no problems. FedEx brings stuff right to the back door and has never messed us up. So it can be done......

from Northview Diary

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