Friday, July 22, 2016


Some stuff of Grandma Peggy's and mine. 

You'd never know it,  what with the way I took to farming like a Mallard to a puddle, but my brothers and I grew up running back and forth between an antique shop and a book store that sat side by side over in Fonda....gone now to the match of some arsonists a few years ago. 

The folks moved away from there long ago but many or my early memories were of reading the real Tarzan...... in the book store and cajoling things from inventory from the folks. We had pocket knives of all sorts back in those days. I still have nifty thingamabobs that were parts of old chandeliers and a jet button with a dragon on it.

Things were very different then. The town simply bustled with antique dealers, among them the Morfords, father and son, with whom my folks often did business.

I sort of knew them...the way small children know grownup people who are far beyond their sphere of influence...and sometimes we kids went along when dad went to their stores. Of course we were often underfoot when they came into our store too...

I always thought of mom and dad's place as all one word...


The book store is Tryon County Books, since Mom and Dad are still in business

Anyhow, tomorrow there is going to be an auction down in the village of some of the Morford family heirlooms. Even if you are not in the area and can't attend, it would be worth your time to browse the photos in the auction brochure. Truly amazing things. Sure brought back memories of my distant kidhood!

I spent at least an hour looking at the merchandise this morning.

There will be another auction of another property in August.

Cool stuff there too.

This is my favorite thing so far. I almost wish I wasn't such a terrible hermit....


from Northview Diary

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