Friday, December 14, 2018


Got up at five to cook....making chicken pot pie for both families. Remind me next year not to put so much sweet corn in each bag for the freezer. There is an awful lot of corn in this batch....bag was one big lump so had to put it all in. Some years I spread it out on a cookie sheet so it will shake out of the bag in smaller amounts. Just too much of a hurry this year though.  We won't mind here at Northview. We like home frozen corn...and thanks Gordon and Marie for letting us pick in your corn patch.

However, I'm not sure how the folks are going to like their share. Sure hope they like corn. And homegrown green beans. And those amazing carrots from the Amish store. About as big as my arm and as tender as a puppy's heart. Made applesauce for all of us yesterday afternoon as well, and sending some of the wonderful potatoes we bought from Toby up to the folks too. They aren't the prettiest taters we ever had but they sure are the tastiest.

Soon as the pot pie is done and cooled enough to transport we are off to grocery shop for both families. Then tonight I am being transported up to Bath to spend the weekend with that contingent of the family. I expect I'll sleep tonight even in a strange bed.

Meanwhile, we are enjoying the irruption of Pine Siskins these days. 14 this morning. We have seen Evening Grosbeaks twice so far, several on our feeder and one on our sand and gravel guy's feeder a week or so ago. I am holding out for Common Redpolls now.

from Northview Diary

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