Monday, December 31, 2018

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Of Kittyhawks, Catbirds, and Near Misses

We see this particularl Rough-legged Hawk nearly every day
I feel sorry for it, as it is constantly mobbed by as many as 150 crows at a time.

Everyone has been seeing the Short-eared Owl up near Fort Plain the past couple of weeks. Or if not everyone, several folks. But not us. We have been wandering around up there since last year, with only one sighting and although I was sure, I was not that sure, so we didn't count it. Today we were parked where it was seen yesterday when a perfect bird flew by, right shape, right size....wrong color darn was a female Northern Harrier. I looked at it really, really hard trying to make it into the bird we were looking for, but it was a NOHA just the same.

A couple of the 40 or so Common Redpolls we found today.
Their calls are very musical

So we missed again today, although we did get first of the year Common Redpolls, as well as seeing a lot of nice raptors so it wasn't a complete loss.

Eastern Bluebird

What we do see all over, especially around farms, both Amish and English, are kittyhawks. These are also sometimes known as catbirds. They look exactly like exciting raptors huddled over prey, in the winter gloomy harvested fields. They are about the size of a Red-tailed Hawk, or maybe even a Rough-legged Hawk. 

Amish church day today

We spin around, stop, roll down the windows, point the Canon, and dang! another cat. And another cat. And another. We are getting used to getting fooled. We even saw an orange kittyhawk today, although that one was obviously notabird (the woods are full of notabirds, ranging from snow-covered squirrel nests to hunks of old tent caterpillar junkage). We stop for a lot of them too. Thank goodness for good binoculars or we would probably be counting things that aren't exactly the right things.

Holy Beaver! There were four of them in a tiny bit of open water near our owl quest area

Anyhow, as they say, a bad day birding is better than a good day looking out the window, wishing you were birding. Finding the redpolls make this far from a bad day. I truly did not expect any year birds this late...unless of course we found the owl. 

Hope you all are having fun too.

from Northview Diary

Friday, December 28, 2018

My Ducks

Are at this point not in a please enjoy these Mallards and Buffleheads from yesterday's visit to Lake George.

Plus an eagle with stars in his eyes...or stars for his eyes as the case may be

from Northview Diary

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

It's a Lot of Fun

To have someone who is four in the family.

Generations have loved Billy and Blaze books

from Northview Diary

And So it is Christmas

Winter days......marked out by crow-go-out and crow-go-home, passing ranks of thousands, twenty or forty at a time, west in morning, east in evening, sometimes loud and sometimes silent.

Low today, dipping down in the yard, the sound of wings rustling clear against the cold dark dawn. A few throaty chirps you wouldn't associate with crows if you weren't looking right at them.

Venus flirting coyly with scudding clouds on the morning wind. Brighter than the waning moon, if smaller, and sparkling like that long ago star that spoke to so many.

It's quiet now, but soon we will be enjoying Christmas morning through the eyes of someone who is four and hasn't seen so very many mornings like this blessed one.

Merry Christmas to all!

from Northview Diary

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Wish us Luck

This is an unedited shot from the river the other day
There IS a river under there.
And geese....and a train over on the other bank. However, the fog was awful

If you would be so kind. We are off to do the Christmas Bird Count this morning. Last year was pretty dismal and the past three weeks have been poor all around, so we can only hope to see good numbers, interesting species or both. Even our best spots have been pretty sparse with birds....several trips with only crows, starlings, and pigeons on "The Loop", where we more normally see raptors and waterfowl up to and including a Snowy Owl, a daily Rough-legged Hawk, and all sorts of other goodies.

The kids are on their way down right now for what has now been a family tradition for well over thirty years. Mom and Dad used to do it, then us kids, and now grandkids and whomever in the family is willing to spend hours getting in and out of a car peering into the bushes and hollering, "look a crow"!

I have the clipboard ready, although I am going to at least try eBirding our trip. I am so used to listing on the phone nowadays. We may run both a paper tally and the eBird one, and submit whichever seems more accurate. Sure is cold out......

from Northview Diary

Friday, December 21, 2018

Watch The Black Coffee NYC + DC Videos Now

It’s here! A complete video presentation of Black Coffee events in NYC and DC is now available via Sprudge Media Network on YouTube.

From creative director Michelle Johnson (The Chocolate Barista), Black Coffee centers the voices and perspectives of Black coffee professionals from around the world, each one with unique perspectives from up and down the value chain. These most recent live events took place in New York City (October 15th) and Washington DC (October 19th) at the Classic Stage Company in lower Manhattan and The Line Hotel in Adams Morgan, respectively. Each event was hosted by Michelle Johnson and produced by Sprudge, with video presentation directed by Lanny Huang.

Watch Black Coffee NYC here!

Watch Black Coffee DC here!

And now, a word from creative director Michelle Johnson:

It’s been an amazing year for Black Coffee.

We broke ground on unfamiliar territory; for the first time, there’s a coffee event solely centered around Black people and our relationship to coffee culture as a whole. What started as a conversation on a couch in an historic theatre in Portland in the spring led to another off-Broadway in New York, and a third at Washington, D.C.’s prime boutique hotel in the fall. Looking back, so much has been achieved on and off stage.  

Black Coffee NYC and D.C. were special each in their own ways. In New York, we focused on career longevity for Black coffee professionals. It wasn’t just about the barriers that kept people from upward mobility, but also what one deals with when they stick around for a while. Many of the panelists have worked in coffee for quite some time or moved up quickly in their careers and had a lot to say.

New York was deeply personal, cathartic, and soothing. Being in the presence of two legendary coffee professionals—Candice Madison and Lem Butler—was so moving, as they spoke candidly about their experiences working in coffee for over a decade.

D.C. was unique in that the conversation centered around its own community and the incredible amount of Blackness displayed on both sides of the bar. The audience was the majority Black and filled with new baristas, coffee consumers, and folks from the public who found this topic interesting enough to come listen.

Since D.C. is my hometown, it was important to celebrate the amount of pride the area has in its coffee scene. But the realities of starting a business in an expensive city rapidly gentrifying still holds many back, a topic my co-host Adam JacksonBey and panelists like Candy Schibli spoke about candidly.

One of my favorite parts from Black Coffee D.C. was Aisha Pew and her refreshing perspective on opening a cafe to take back our neighborhoods. Her spot in Baltimore, Dovecote Cafe, is an example of what a Black cafe can be and is for its community. “There are Dovecotes all over, you just gotta look for them,” she says.

There are countless moments and words of wisdom shared at all three shows that I go back to often. But the most valuable thing about Black Coffee is the network created as a result. Black coffee professionals, enthusiasts, and the coffee curious from all over are finding each other. They’re collaborating and helping out one another. They’re starting to see a place for themselves in coffee.

This was the goal of Black Coffee all along, and it feels like a success.

Black Coffee NYC

The NYC event was sponsored by La Marzocco USA, Revelator CoffeeOatly, Everyman Espresso, and Oren’s Coffee Co. and featured co-hosts Tymika Lawrence (Atlas Coffee) and Ezra Baker (Oren’s Coffee Co.), alongside panel guests Lem Butler (Black & White Roasters), Kristina Hollie (Intelligentsia), Winston Thomas (Barista Champion of South Africa/Urnex Ambassador), and Candice Madison (Irving Farm). Ticket sales for this event benefitted Brownsville Community Culinary Center. Extra special thanks to the team at Everyman Espresso and Classic Stage Company for helping support this event onsite, and to Oren’s Coffee Co., Discovery Wines and Make My Cake for afterparty support. Live Instagram coverage and event photography was produced by Noemie Tshinaga.

Black Coffee DC

The DC event was sponsored by La Marzocco USA, Oatly, Revelator Coffee, and The Line Hotel, and featured co-host Adam JacksonBey (The Potter’s House, Barista Guild of America Executive Council) alongside panelists including Aisha Pew (Dovecote Cafe), Candy Schibli (Southeastern Roastery), Reggie Elliott (Foreign National), Victoria Smith (The Cup We All Race 4), and Donte Gardner (Vigilante Coffee Company). Ticket sales at this event benefited Collective Action for Safe Spaces. Special thanks to everyone at The Line Hotel for their incredible support and accommodation for this event—particularly Farrah Skeiky for her exceptional coordination and consideration—and to Gran Cata and Danielle’s Desserts for afterparty support. Live Instagram coverage and event photography was produced by Kayla Butler.

All images from Black Coffee NYC by Noemie Tshinaga.

All images from Black Coffee DC by Kayla Butler.

The post Watch The Black Coffee NYC + DC Videos Now appeared first on Sprudge.

from Sprudge

Coffee Design: Tectonic Coffee In Los Angeles, California

Among the many highlights at the Los Angeles Coffee Festival, one that stood out was getting my hands upon the new packaging of Tectonic Coffee. Tectonic Coffee, formerly Take Flight Coffee, is a California-based roaster founded by Deaton Pigot. The package debuted recently and is more than pretty colors and beautiful art—no, what takes this to the next level is the clever implementation of QR codes found upon each box. A scan of the code takes any consumer armed with a mobile device deeper into the coffee’s story, complete with detailed descriptions of its origin and roast and even goes into specific brew parameters. It’s the future—we’ve arrived! We scanned Founder and CEO Deaton Pigot’s QR code to learn more.

Tell us a bit about your company.

We are a small but mighty team of six with a combined coffee experience of 55+ years. Hailing from the likes of Intelligentsia, Toby’s Estate Coffee USA, Handsome Coffee, and Verve just to name a few. We have long-lasting Direct Trade relationships throughout Central and South America and roast to perfection here in Los Angeles CA since 2016.

We’re also making big strides into Technology with software that promote transparency, accountability, education, and aid our wholesale partners in their quest to increase online sales.

Who designed the package?

Julie Ticknor of J+T Design did the bones of the design, with some finessing from our in-house team.

What coffee information do you share on the package?

We share a lot! ­


  • Country
  • Farm/ producer
  • Process
  • Altitude
  • Variety
  • Tasting Notes

On the bag inside we have unique QR codes for all of our Single Origin Coffees which share more metadata.

  • Coffees Story
  • Sensorial Graph
  • Customer ratings
  • Roasting Curves
  • Roast Time
  • Roast Development
  • End Time
  • End Temp
  • Roasters name
  • Brew Recipes
  • Chemex
  • V60
  • Espresso
  • Photo of the day (a fun way to bring personality to each day we roast)

What’s the motivation behind that?

We are looking for ways to engage with our customers, not just with a label but with the ability to interact directly through their phones. This provides all the information right at their fingertips without having to type in URL’s or do a google search. It is a nice seamless way for our home coffee brewers to be involved and engaged.

Why are aesthetics in coffee packaging so important?

It is an expression of our creativity and personality. We love this packaging because it provides a balance with the feel of Kraft paper and the texture of the embossed logo. Every aspect adds to the experience of our coffee.

Where is the bag manufactured?

Both the boxes are manufactured in the USA, we print the labels in house, using a Primera LX900 label

For package nerds, what type of package is it?

Our box is made from .024 Kraft Bending Chipboard, which is a 100% recycled material made from 50% post waist and is 100% recyclable.

Is the package recyclable/compostable?


Where is it currently available?

We are available worldwide for wholesale and the home user, with online ordering for both B2B and B2C. If you want our coffee we have you covered wherever you are!

If you want to enjoy our coffee made by your favorite barista let us know where and we’ll try to make it happen for you.

Company: Tectonic Coffee
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Country: United States
Release Date: August 2018
Designer: Julie Ticknor, J+T Design

Zachary Carlsen is a co-founder and editor at Sprudge Media Network. Read more Zachary Carlsen on Sprudge.

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from Sprudge

Baby it's Weird Outside

Out there in the dark it's raining slowly but steadily and the drops are as cold as a vampire's blood. At the same time an oddly warm wind is blowing....warm enough to feel downright good as the shiverish rain stings arms and toes around the edges of the umbrella .

Walking the dogs was an odd more ways than one too. Sorry about the gruesome details....but typical small dog fashion (particularly JRT) has whizzed in his crate since puppyhood. Downright maddening....he is lucky that I like him as well as I do.

I've always kept his crate deeply papered for that reason.

The other day I cleaned the crate and didn't want to wake up the boss by going into the living room as he was napping and that's where all the newspapers I just put in one thin sheet.

The little cur has not had a "deliberate" since......

Cuz they certainly weren't accidents....

He sure is happy to go outside in the morning though and spends a l-o-n-g time with at least one, if not both, hind legs suspended over the subject of his morning attentions.

Who knew?

from Northview Diary

Thursday, December 20, 2018

The Things You See

"I'm in a hurry to get things done
I rush and rush until life's no fun..."
'Yote tracks. Big ones!

Taking harvest weather any way they can get it


from Northview Diary

Colwood Corners by Onni in Victoria

Colwood Corners by Onni Group is a new 5 storey condo development located in Victoria, BC. This project will offer 284 units. Upon completion, Colwood Corners has the potential to provide 125,000 square feet of retail as well as multi-family residential.

The post Colwood Corners by Onni in Victoria appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.

from Projects – Vancouver New Condos

Ice-T Having His First Coffee Is All Of Us Having Our First Coffee

We’re a little late to this whole “Ice-T tries coffee for the first time” party, but now that we’re here, we don’t want to leave. The original video by Coffee Meets Bagel—the dating app who put the rapper-turned-actor up to the challenge—was posted a month ago, but Ice-T’s reaction to his first sip is so pure it bears bringing back up. He is all of us at the start of our coffee journey.

For his first ever taste of coffee in his 60 years on this earth, Ice-T does the unadvisable thing and dives straight into coffee by taking it black. No cream, no sugar. I say “unadvisable” because this is how I had my first taste of coffee as well, though mine came at a much younger age, when I thought I would be a “big kid” if I took a pull off of Mom’s morning cuppa. It went about as well as expected.

So what was Ice’s response to his maiden coffee voyage? “It tastes like water, with something… another taste kicked in later,“ a phrase that is now the gold standard against which all Brewers Cup flavor calls will be judged.

“I can tell you this’ll pretty much be the last time I drink black coffee.”

Were that the end of the story, though, there would be no story; a guy whose name bears a striking resemblance to a non-coffee beverage not drinking a coffee beverage hardly makes the editorial cut. But a second video, this one released by BuzzFeed, finds Ice making the second step in the journey: “[putting] some shit in it.” The shit, of course, being cream—which he has also never had before!?!—and sugar. Sugar alone didn’t quite turn him into a coffee drinker but the magical alchemy of cream and sugar gives Ice-T (and all of us by proxy, really) that special moment of realization—seen in the in Buzzfeed video at around the 1:20 mark—one which we all know so well, that coffee in the right circumstances can be pretty, pretty, pretty good.

“Coffee, sugar, and cream: not bad.”

Don’t be surprised if Sargent Fin Tutuola starts appearing in Law and Order: SVU episodes with increasingly smaller coffee cups: first a 20oz Starbucks cup with a little whip on top, then a 12oz no whip, next maybe a 6oz cappuccino, until finally Tutuola is walking around crime scenes with his own demitasse (because he knows espresso to-go is a cardinal sin but there are perps to be caught).

Or maybe not. Either way, we’ll always have this video. It’s the pure wholesomeness (and a few curses) that the coffee world needs right now.

Zac Cadwalader is the news editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.

The post Ice-T Having His First Coffee Is All Of Us Having Our First Coffee appeared first on Sprudge.

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There’s Still Time To Vote For The 10th Annual Sprudgie Awards

We are up to our ears in ballots here at Sprudge Studios campaign headquarters. Still with two short weeks from the closing of the polls for the 10th Annual Sprudgie Awards presented by Oatly and we can already unequivocally that the number of votes cast this year is going to be the largest in history.

But don’t let the record-setting turnout deter you from letting your voice be heard; you’ve still gotta rock the sprote. Yours may be the difference between your favorite coffee person/shop/thing winning or losing to that coffee person/shop/thing. You know the one. There’s still time! Vote for your faves, start a grassroots campaign, hire a few bad actors to spread disinformation about your opponents (don’t actually do that). But whatever you do, don’t not vote.

Vote here for the Tenth Annual Sprudgie Awards presented by Oatly. 

If you’ve yet to pick your ponies for the 10th Annual Sprudgies, we’ve listed the finalists for each of the 12 categories below. Don’t see who you are looking for? Do you feel like someone else is more deserving? You’re in luck. This year we’ve opened up the awards for write-in candidates. In a coffee scene where write-in candidates can ascend to the SCA Board of Directors we absolutely want to make the same campaigning available for The Sprudgies.

Once you’re ready, head over here to let your voice be heard and celebrate those helping to push the industry forward. Happy voting!

Voting for the 10th Annual Sprudgie Awards presented by Oatly closes at 11:59 PM PST on Friday, January 4th 2019.

Notable Roaster

This award honors a roaster doing exemplary work in 2018. This may include roasted coffee quality, strength of e-commerce, cafe locations (if applicable) and all other facets of running a successful coffee roaster. This year’s nominees are:

Devoción (Brooklyn, NY),
Go Get Em Tiger (Los Angeles)
Black & White Coffee Roasters (Wake Forest, NC)
Square Mile Coffee (London, UK)
Red Bay Coffee (Oakland, CA)
Gardelli Coffee (Forlì, Italy)
Sey Coffee (Brooklyn, NY)
Coffee Manufactory (San Francisco and Los Angeles, CA)

Notable Coffee Producer

This awards honors outstanding work by a coffee producer at origin. This year’s nominees are:

Daterra Coffee (Brazil)
Benjamin Paz (Honduras)
Long Miles Coffee Project (Burundi)
Gesha Village (Ethiopia)
La Palma y El Tucan (Colombia)
Juan Peña (Ecuador)
Gilberto Baraona (El Salvador)
Aida Batlle (El Salvador)

Best New Product

This awards honors a new coffee product released for public use in the year 2018. This year’s nominees are:

Minor Figures Oat M*lk
Atmos Vacuum Canister by Fellow Products
Yes Plz Coffee Subscription
Modbar AV
Huskee Cup
Umeshiso Cupping Spoons

Best Coffee Video/Film

This award honors an original coffee video or film released in the year 2018. This can include feature films, short films, promotional videos or social media clips. The nominees are:

AeroPress Movie
Gender In Coffee
Chris Baca on YouTube
James Hoffmann on YouTube
Go Get Em Tiger on YouTube
Cafe Imports Roasting Concepts Series
Flower Of Flowers by Stumptown Coffee
Unpacking Coffee

Best Coffee Writing

This award celebrates the best coffee writing of the year. Please nominate an individual, or a specific feature. If you nominate a feature, please add a link for review. This year’s nominees are:

RJ Joseph for The Knockbox
Phyllis Johnson for Strong Black Coffee originally appearing in Roast Magazine
Sabine Parrish for She’s A Lady originally appearing in Standart Magazine
Dear Coffee Buyer by Ryan Brown
The Monk Of Mokha by Dave Eggars and Mokhtar Alkhanshali
Ashley Rodriguez for Barista Magazine Online
Jenn Chen for Newsletter and Collected Works
James Hoffmann for

Best Coffee Magazine

This award honors an outstanding coffee magazine or print publication release. This year’s nominees are:

Drift Magazine (USA)
Solo Magazine (Spain)
Caffeine (UK)
Coffee People Zine (USA)
Standart (Slovakia)
Roast Magazine (USA)
Barista Magazine (USA)
Pour Over by Califia Farms (USA)

Best Coffee Instagram/Twitter

This award honors outstanding work across social media platforms. This year’s nominees are:


Best Coffee Podcast

This award honors outstanding work in the podcast medium. This year’s nominees are:

The Coffee Podcast
Cat & Cloud
Boss Barista
Keys To The Shop
Coffee People MX
Coffee With April

Best Design/Packaging

This work honors notable design or packaging work in coffee. Nominees may include coffee products, coffee bags, coffee logo or graphic design work, or any other example of outstanding coffee design. This year’s nominees are:

Coffee Manufactory (San Francisco and Los Angeles, CA)
Sweet Bloom Coffee Roasters (Lakewood, CO)
Brandywine Coffee Roasters (Wilmington, DE)
Kaffa (Oslo, Norway)
Fjord Coffee Roasters (Berlin, Germany)
Onyx Coffee Lab (Bentonville, AR)
Lüna Coffee (Vancouver, Canada)
Friedhats (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Best New Cafe

This award is presented to a cafe that has opened in 2018. Nominations for cafes that have opened before January 2018 will not be eligible for this category. This year’s nominees are:

Ladder Coffee (Spokane, WA)
Dayglow (Los Angeles, CA)
Mane Coffee (Boca Raton, FL)
Misión Café (Madrid, Spain)
Provider (Indianapolis, IN)
Stumptown Coffee Cobble Hill (Brooklyn, NY)
Center Coffee Myeongdong (Seoul, South Korea)
Rosslyn Coffee (London, UK)

Sustainable Cafe

This award is presented to a cafe for prioritizing sustainable environmental stewardship. This can include zero waste practices, pursuing a reduced carbon footprint, and highlighting sustainable coffees and products. This year’s nominees are:

Isla Cafe (Berlin, Germany)
Casa Quilha (Brasilia, Brazil)
Bar Nine (Los Angeles, CA)
Madcap Coffee (Grand Rapids, MI)
Houndstooth Coffee Walnut Hill (Dallas, TX)
Kokako Organic (Auckland, New Zealand)
Smith Canteen (Brooklyn, NY)
Miir Flagship (Seattle, WA)

Outstanding Achievement In The Field of Excellence

This award is presented each year to a remarkable coffee person, organization, cause, or entity that embodies coffee excellence. This is our most prestigious award. This year’s nominees are:

T. Ben Fischer
Phyllis Johnson
Coleen Anunu
Umeko Motoyoshi
Agnieszka Rojewska
Adam JacksonBey
Michelle Johnson
Erna Knutsen (posthumous)

Vote here.

Voting for the 10th Annual Sprudgie Awards presented by Oatly closes at 11:59 PM PST on Friday, January 4th 2019.

The post There’s Still Time To Vote For The 10th Annual Sprudgie Awards appeared first on Sprudge.

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