Monday, November 26, 2018


Cyberspace is like the Wild, Wild, West these days.  Innocent people get caught in the crossfire, causing stress, fear, and sometimes financial damage.

Today we came home to a message on the machine from a close relative about another close family member. Seems this individual was in Maryland and needed bail money. His lawyer told the geographically distant relative not to tell us, but after agonizing all morning he did anyhow. 

For a moment panic coursed through my veins.

But then I thought.....wait a minute....person #2 was just here last night and I know right where he is. He is on the road but he sure isn't in Maryland. And besides he would never not call us if he needed us. After everyone calmed down we agreed that it was a scam. The same thing was pulled on my mama a few months ago saying Jade was in trouble....he wasn't, but he was on the road. Thankfully Liz is pretty much always in touch with him.

Then the mail contained a bill from this was a very official-looking document, but something about it gave me a hinky feeling. I looked it up, and lo and behold, it's another scam.

We are fortunate to be reasonably up-to-date on the various scams and schemes going around, but not everyone is. I feel terrible about this happening even though there was no way we could have prevented it....anyhow, if someone calls you for bail for an out of town family member, check before you send it.

And stay away from Records Recovery Services.

from Northview Diary

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