Thursday, November 1, 2018

Grey Poupon

Swamp Sparrow

I have a heated hoodie by Milwaukee that Alan bought me about three years ago. I love it. Even with the heat function turned off it is warm, roomy, and super comfortable. It's also in the washing machine just now.

You see, it is the perfect shade of grey for going birding....kinda blends in with everything else this time of year.

Thus yesterday I did a wonderful long, long walk on the farm, way up to the Old Pasture Lot and Old Spreader Field.

There were about a bazillion birds, including hundreds at the spring in the field behind the barn, the place I call my "hot spot" since I have seen so many goodies there.

Just one of the many fruit bats European Starlings there

Everyone, particularly myriad robins and starlings, was feeding on vitis riparia.

A distant Eastern Bluebird

We have a lot of that festooning everything that will hold it upright, and even running along the ground. The trees at the spring are dark purple with a veritable cornucopia of so much fruit you could fill a silo were you so inclined.

Birds eating grapes and flying overhead resulted in the title of this post, which you will find above.

 I guess I should be glad they weren't eating grape shot or cannonballs. 

from Northview Diary

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