Friday, September 21, 2018

Oh, Honey

Tis the season of roadside stands and we have been taking full advantage. Winter squash from one Amish farm, apples from our favorite orchard, and tomatoes and homey from a new place we discovered in our travels.

I love honey but I won't buy it if it isn't local. Foreign honey is often of dubious quality and we have a number of excellent bee keepers in the area.

We stopped the other day at a stand on a back road near here and bought some nice tomatoes and a little jar of honey.

It is wings down the best honey I have ever tasted. Like Mozart for your mouth, sweet, light, fragrant, and flavored just like you might think flowers would taste if you ate flowers. Better than orange blossom honey and that is saying something.

We went back for a second jar for me and one for my folks and may evengo back for more before the season ends. Good stuff!

My new bench

from Northview Diary

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