Sunday, September 16, 2018

A Jay by any other Name...or where's the Birdthday Cake?

Am I not cute?

We went up to the Sabbatis Bog today looking for boreal birds. Although we found a few relatively common ones we didn't see anything exciting until I walked back to the car. What used to be Grey Jays, but are now Canada Jays were all but landing on the boss's head looking for food. They were very friendly.

Truly, kind sir, I need cake
or sunflower seeds if you have them

Guess maybe they thought he was carrying birdthday cake or something. It sure felt like a birdthday to me! These birds are such a delight even though it takes over a hundred miles of driving to get where they are. 

Then we visited the Adirondack Mountains Antiques Show so the boss could get some fun out of his special day too. Never saw so many furs, pack baskets, canoe paddles, and Adirondack camp stuff in my life! It was pretty neat too.

Palm Warbler, nearly as tame as the jays

from Northview Diary

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