Monday, July 2, 2018

A Blinger

Shortly after five today, just as it came out of the camera

Or actually a whole string of them.

Brown Thrashers dusting in the driveway and panting from the heat

A blinger is what the boss's mom used to call a day like this when the sun comes up like a big copper gong, bangs out its song of summer heat all day, and then refuses to let things cool down in the evening.

We are maintaining some semblance of normalcy just the same. The boss has to do hay, weather or not and all.

We open doors and windows at night and close them to hold in the coolishness. Strategically placed fans whir day and night. We drink a lot of water and eat freeze pops and sherbet...we had sherbet for supper last night in fact...

And we just wait for the weather to break, which may happen Wednesday night.

This one is edited, but it is just how it feels outside

from Northview Diary

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