Monday, March 26, 2018

Patience Grasshopper

I was just waiting for the boss to wake up so I could ask him to take me down to the river to look for a bird......he takes Becky to work at quarter to four every day, so I try to let him get a little sleep in the morning.

And then I found out he had to go away elsewhere for the day.....


See, while we were perusing a thousand or so Canada Geese up in Fort Plain yesterday, another birder was seeing the Greater White-fronted Goose we were hoping to spot, right here in tropical Fultonville.

I was hoping to hit the river as early as possible.

Oh, well, the best laid plans and all.....guess I will work on the Farm Side and hope an ooh ahh bird shows up at the feeder. It's been known to happen....

from Northview Diary

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