Friday, March 2, 2018

Get the Witch Hook

The driveway is under there. 

They say that this is going to stop some time. Not yet though.

Meanwhile we are grateful for heat, light, and the internet to keep us entertained. And good food...we like that too.

Jade fed the cows so the boss didn't have to...and walked Finn for me....things were going swimmingly, until Liz looked out the front window.

Oops. There is a tree right in the driveway.

Untouched photo of the rest of the driveway

Jade sent Peggy to ask if she still had a certain tool available.

"Mommy, do you know where the witch hook is?"

Well, no, none of us had any clue.

But, then what he thinks he needs for this job is the winch hook.

Anyhow, the men are heading out to wishes to all of you dealing with this mess. Hope you are safe and warm  and dry.

from Northview Diary

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