Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Cheap Date

Greater Yellowlegs

I am. Point me at the outdoors and hand me my binoculars. We ran down to the river today to celebrate getting the taxes paid. (Thanks for all the know who you are).

We saw the most amazing birds! Yankee Hill Lock and Schoharie Crossing SHS at the boat launch are exciting places for good birds. We saw Pectoral Sandpipers a week or so ago at the latter but today, just wow.

Black-bellied Plover

First we spotted a little white sandpiper-ish thing hanging around with some Yellowlegs. I thought (and hoped) it was a Black-bellied Plover and the experts agreed. 

Then when we came home I looked at some photos of the Yellowlegs, which I had thought were all Greaters, and thought we had a Lesser. Experts agreed.

Lesser Yellowlegs

Next came some odd little black ducks at Yankee Hill Lock. Folks have been seeing Surf Scoters up in Saratoga Lake for the past week or so and I really wanted to see some over here...just one county away...but I didn't expect to. 

These birds were all the way across the river, the light was poor, and they were almost the color of the water. Couldn't see them at all without the binoculars; I had to photograph them by finding landmarks nearby and taking photos of those....just hoping the birds were in the frame.

Hopefully Surf Scoters (in front of the Canadas)

After much discussion the good folks at What's this Bird mostly agreed that we had indeed found Surf Scoters, lifers for me, and rare birds here, according to eBird. There is still some discussion that they may be White-winged Scoters as some were seen here about five days ago. Whichever, they were pretty cool. Guess we will see what the eBird reviewer thinks. 

What a tremendous amount of fun we had, what with worrying about taxes off our minds. The best part from my point of view was that I got them right...or kinda sorta right...or I at least had the right answers among the birds I was considering, and hoping against hope that my wildest guesses were the correct ones.

What a day!

from Northview Diary

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