Sunday, November 5, 2017

Ah Poo

I love my family. I love my kitchen too. Where else could you listen to people joking about skunk scat and who else would you find doing so?

Yeah, truly.

See, we are not scatological experts or anything so some of the....stuff...we find remains a mystery. We were pretty sure the little collections of fruitiferous matter in the cow barnyard originated with a skunk. When I discovered that the material was apple, berry, and yellow jacket, we decided that we were right.

And that is when the joking came in, "Burns a little going down, but not bad...not bad at all."

And then there was the bigger fruit flop out on the hills. I debated over that one too. Coyote? Bear?

It was pretty big and consisted almost entirely of apple....hmmm....

Then Becky pointed out that the coyotes have been out in the orchard tuning up every night.

Nuff said.

from Northview Diary

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