Saturday, June 10, 2017

Yoga Playlist & Vinyasa Flow for Summer Mornings

While it doesn’t look much like summer here yet, I’ve crafted the perfect morning yoga playlist for when it is.

Kate Murphy Yoga

It’s Saturday morning here in Oslo, and I have to admit, the constant rain outside is starting to get to me a little. I’m longing for sunshine, vegan and organic popsicles, oceanside walks and warm summer evenings. I suppose I should have known what I was getting into when I decided to move so close to the North Pole. That being said, I wanted to have a sunshine vibe list for my Rise & Shine classes, and I think this one does the trick.

Check out the tracks, and let me know what you think. xx

Morning Flow Sequencing


Seated Viloma Breath (3 Parts Inhale, 1 part exhale)

Easy Seated twist

Seated Chest & Shoulder Stretch (hands interlaced) – bow to earth

Eagle Arms

Move to Cat / Cow

Thread the Needle

Upward Facing Dog

Walk to Top of Mat / Mountain Pose

Heat Up

Sun Salutation A – 5 Rounds

Sun Salutation B – 3 Rounds

Kate Murphy Yoga


From Downward Facing Dog Right Leg

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana)

Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana)

High Lunge/ Vinaysa Flow

Repeat as Above Left Side

Repeat as Above at 1 breath per posture, then:

Add Bind at extended side angle, move to Bird of Paradise

From Downward Dog leap to Garland Pose (Malasana)




Janu Sirsasana

Ardha Paschimottanasana


Happy Baby


Happy Summer Flows, loves!



The post Yoga Playlist & Vinyasa Flow for Summer Mornings appeared first on Living Pretty, Naturally.

from Living Pretty, Naturally

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