Saturday, April 15, 2017

Have you Seen the Like

The boss was going to attend a machinery auction up west today, but decided it would be more fun to go to the river birding. Can't hate that. If you knew how much he loves auctions......

We went to Schoharie Crossing where he snoozed in the car, while I wandered in places that are usually under feet and feet of raging, swirling water. It is a powerful feeling to walk in such areas, like being let in on an amazing secret. I found a fossil and almost brought it home, but then decided to leave it to be hidden in the depths once more.

The experience defies description. The golden, slanting light of early day painted everything in bigger, brighter colors than is usual and shadows framed each scene in magic. Saw some good birds too! I will let the pictures tell the story.

from Northview Diary

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