Monday, August 1, 2016


Got some sad news about a family member's family member this weekend and it was on my mind when out for early morning puppy walks yesterday. I often say a prayer or two when out with just the dogs in the early morning light. I guess I added some extra ones for those who need them most right now..

It was dripping gentle rain, welcome and needed. Things are already greening up after drying down to potato chip crispness over the past couple of weeks.

A call came from the outdoor faucet. A small bird popped out and proceeded to circle us, chirping loudly.

It was a little Common Yellowthroat, I'm guessing young of the year. Very pretty in subtle browns and yellows, with just a hint of a mask that made it a male. It was much impressed with us and stayed as long as we did, flitting from bush to bush. It lightened my heart a little. I often think that such encounters are sent to give us hope and faith and even bravery when we are frightened. I was really worried about my dad once and spotted an Eastern Bluebird, right in the driveway, one of his favorite birds. For some reason I felt better, calmer, full of belief that all would be well.

And at least that time it was.

In these hard and frightening times, I am grateful to have straws to grasp, in the form of small, friendly, birds, rainbows, good sunsets, and rain in time of need. They seem to offer comfort and strength in the face of all that life has to show us. 

from Northview Diary

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