Wednesday, November 2, 2016

It's all Downhill

Bacon Bone!!!

Yesterday was one of those days that start off kilter and go downhill from there. First was the ice cold shower. I know there are people who choose that option, but myself not so much. The stove was hot. The water wasn't.

Then it was just too crazy to finish any of my writing chores. Wednesday is deadline, but I do love to be done on Tuesday and have those decks all clear the rest of the week.

The washer acted up. It took all day to get it to spin.

The cold water situation turned out to require several trips for parts and a lot of wrenching.

The heat quit. It wasn't all that cold yesterday but it sure was too cold for no heat.

The litany of minor but messy woes just went on and on. By day's end I was afraid to touch a dial or turn a faucet.

However, the guys soldiered on and replaced a valve in the hot water plenum, found where the circulation pump for the heat had gotten unplugged, eventually the washer worked, and we all survived to do it again another day.

On the bright side it turns out that the valve was the reason we have had very limited hot water for a very long time. Last night there were hot showers all around, a bath for Peggy and some very happy people.

The old S 10 truck got repaired and painted to be a mobile birding blind...the ticks are so terrible that we don't even want to ride the four-wheeler up in the field..... and we had a great supper of homemade beef stew.  

It's all good.

from Northview Diary

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