Saturday, September 3, 2016

You'll Get That with the Big Jobs

It may have been mentioned that the waterbed wherein I sleep recently sprang a small leak. 

It was just a little bitty one, but leaks in such items of furniture are bad things, very bad things.

We planned and plotted how to drain it and replace it with an air bed, but the job was put off and delayed and procrastinated about until Alan came home. He is home now.

We hadn't seen him in close to a month. The boss and Becky brought home the parts that were needed and today we did the job.

Or rather Alan did the job. When you have a guy that does things with hydraulics and hoses and gravity and all you might as well take advantage.

I was worried about getting it done in a single day...thinking maybe I'd have to sleep in my chair for a couple of nights...and dreading the whole affair.

Instead he took me over to the fair for breakfast...can't recommend the Pancake House highly enough....and then we came home and got it done in a couple of hours. Now I have a nice, dry air bed.

Good deal huh? I think I'll keep him.

from Northview Diary

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