Friday, September 9, 2016

Rain...and caption this

Caption this

Shortly after our race to get the critters fed and things buttoned up the storm began. First round was nuttin' but rain, with an odd grumble or two in the background.

Wet, but no big.

Second set came through, a whole nuther ball game. Looked out the big windows to see leaves....lots of leaves...spiraling up into the sky. Then the low, scudding clouds began to show clear rotation.

The wind straightened out, the rain began to lash, and we sure did have some weather. It's been really dry around here...... so the driveway washed out and most of it ran off. 

Still, where there has been one limping morning glory each day...and only if I water the plants...there were three great big ones, all unfurled and proud, hanging out over the driveway.

The grass is all green, and although it is hot and humid and sticky, we really needed it.

I kinda wish my son and brother weren't working on a job at the bottom of the river though....just sayin'.

And this

from Northview Diary

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